Configuring Vikunja on YunoHost

1 – create new todoist authorized app:

2 – o-auth redirect should be [your domain]/migrate/todoist

3 – take note of client id and secret

4 – then edit your Vikunja config located at /opt/vikunja/config.yml

5 – in the config.yml, add client id, secret and redirect url under migrate –> todoist

6 – then reload vikunka: yunohost service restart vikunja

7 – then go into vikunja to the import page, where you should see todoist id, which will link to todist to authorize data sharing (read only), then should link back to vikunja. I had an error when I had wrong o-auth url redirect (see step #2).

As a regular Todoist user for a few years (text only, no attached files), it took maybe 10 minutes for my data to finish transferring over.





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