Appendix: Sources used for stakeholder identification
A non-exhaustive list of sources encountered in the literature review process and deemed relevant, grouped by type. Here is a PDF, linking the references to their respective full citation.
Academic or industry research papers and reports:
Amoore (2020), Ayoola (2023), Balasooriya, Wibowo, and Wells (2016), Bannour et al. (2021), Bender et al. (2021), Brownlee et al. (2021), Cai et al. (2023), Chapman (2022), Comber and Eriksson (2023), Covas, Silva, and Dias (2013), Crawford (2024), de Vries (2023), Dhar (2020), Dobbe and Whittaker (2019), Evans and Gao (2016), Faber and Schlegel (2017), Ferrari (2023), Fischer (2023), Fortunato et al. (2018), Gargiulo et al. (2023), Henderson et al. (2020), Hershcovich et al. (2022), Hogan (2015a), Hogan (2015b), Hölzle (2022), Issa, Chang, and Issa (2010), Jones (2018), Keller, Donoghoe, and Perry (2024), Kirkpatrick (2023), Kneese (2023), Kumar and Buyya (2012), Lacoste et al. (2019), Lehued´e (2024a), Lehuedé (2024b), Lehuedé (2022), Li et al. (2023), Luccioni, Viguier, and Ligozat (2022), Luccioni, Jernite, and Strubell (2023), Matus and Veale (2022), Mayer (2023), McGuire et al. (2023), Mill, Garn, and Ryman-Tubb (2022), Monserrate (2022), OECD (2022), Patterson et al. (2022), Patterson et al. (2021), Penzenstadler, Femmer, and Richardson (2013), Pierre et al. (2021), Rakova and Dobbe (2023), Raum (2018), Reed (2008), Ristic, Madani, and Makuch (2015), Robinson (2009), Rolnick et al. (2019), Schooler et al. (2022), Schuler (2023), Schwartz et al. (2019), Schütze (2024), Shehabi et al. (2011), Shi et al. (2023), Siddik, Shehabi, and Marston (2021), Spillo et al. (2023), Strubell, Ganesh, and McCallum (2019), Sánchez-Pi and Martí (2021), Tamburrini (2022), Thelisson (2018), Tornede et al. (2023), Van Wynsberghe (2021), Velkova (2023), Velkova and Plantin (2023), Vinuesa et al. (2020), Zhang et al. (2021) additionally, survey of the 20 papers at HotCarbon ’23: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (, survey of the 65 papers and proposals at the ICLR 2023 Workshop (
Popular press newspaper and articles:
Adalbjornsson (2019), Adarlo (2023), BBC (2024), Berreby (2024), Calvert (2024), Coleman (2023), David (2023), Erdene- sanaa (2023), Fanger (2024), Gardner, Adomaitis, and Nickel (2021), Gonzalez Monserrate (2022), Griffith (2023), Halpern (2024), Hardy (2016), Hulshoff Pol (2024), Jaffe (2024), Jonas (2023), Katwala (2023), Kishan and Saul (2024), Klar (2023), Kojola (2023), Langley (2023), Lenio (2015), Ludvigsen (2023), Metz et al. (2024), Miller (2022), Pearson (2023), Rayome (2016), Shepardson (2024), Smith et al. (2023), Song and Moura (2019), Tangermann (2024), Velkova (2024), Verhaar (2020), West (2024), Writer (2023)
Cockcroft (2023), ParisBurning (2024)